2024 CEO Annual Report

2024 CEO Annual Report

Posted Tuesday November 19, 2024

It is with great pride that I am writing this Annual Report and to be saying that the Hawksbury Community Living Trust (Hawksbury) Team continue to be committed and motivated to making a difference in the lives of the residents we support.

I mentioned in my report last year about the challenges the sector was facing and the need to be mindful of the future direction of the sector. I did not envisage that I would be writing my Annual Report at such a tumultuous time for Disability Support Services.


An Independent Review was completed and recommendations implemented in August. These have certainly challenged us as an organisation alongside other providers within the Disability Sector. It has been a time of considerable change and has required us to reflect on the current services that we provide and will continue to provide for the foreseeable future… In saying that there is also a need for us to look at future opportunities for additional contracts that could have the potential to compliment additional support options for Hawksbury within the sector in the future. As is always the case there is the need for careful consideration and due diligence as we navigate potential new contracts.


If you would like additional information on the Independent Review of Disability Support Services, please click on this link: https://www.disabilitysupport.govt.nz/taskforce/independent-review


Welcome to Hawksbury

Over the past 12 months we have had three new residents join the Hawksbury whānau in Canterbury, although no new entries in Otago.


Katelyn Champion – 3 Jamell Place

Katelyn joined the residents at 3 Jamell Place in February 2024. It was with great excitement that Katelyn watched the new homes at Jamell Place being built knowing that she would be moving into 3 Jamell Place with her friends once they were finished.

Katelyn had a long transition due to unexpected delays but was very patient having lots of visits in the meantime to the rented home at Lynfield Avenue getting to know her flatmates. Katelyn has settled in really well and is loving her new home she shares with her friend Shenee. There have been some wonderful visits from friends and family and a Karaoke Party


Simon Taufaga-Godinet  - 1 Ranginui Drive

Simon moved to his home at 1 Ranginui Drive, Kaiapoi in June 2024. Simon lives with his three flatmates who all get along really well and enjoy each other’s company. Simon is an avid supporter of the All Blacks and the conversation mostly starts with a chat about the upcoming or next game. Simon has been a very welcomed addition to the Ranginui Homes.


 Jared Hogg – 3 Jamell Place

Jared moved into his new home at 3 Jamell Place on the 8 November 2024. Jared has moved from home and is really enjoying the company of his flatmates Dean and Andrew. There is lots of laughter and chit chat, board games and a real cheeky vibe in the home. Jared is looking forward to visiting his friends at another Hawksbury home and inviting them to visit him at his home.


We are delighted to have welcomed Katelyn, Simon and Jared to join our Hawksbury whānau.


Resident Health and Wellbeing

As another year passes, we all are another year older, as is the case for our residents, especially those that are in their later years. We have been fortunate to have had a year where we can celebrate not having had to farewell any of our wonderful residents. This is an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the exceptional support that our staff and teams are providing.


Having implemented the Clinical Quality Role has provided Hawksbury an increased level of oversight of our resident’s health and wellbeing ensuring that we are proactively managing health issues and concerns. I take this opportunity to particularly thank Vicki McClurg, (Clinical Quality Lead), Sarah Brennan and Emma Aitken (Regional Managers) along with our Managers and Support Staff for their ongoing commitment and dedication to our residents. It is because of you that Hawksbury are able to proudly say that we provide holistic quality support for our residents. Thank you, your ongoing commitment to them, it is truly appreciated, and we acknowledge your mahi.


Resident Advisory Group (RAG):

It is coming up two years since the Resident Advisory Group was first initiated and we had our residents attend the first meeting. This has been an initiative facilitated by Sarah Brennan (Regional Manager) that Hawksbury residents are especially proud of.


The Resident Advisory Group Meeting is a highlight every month. It is generally one of the first questions I am asked when visiting the homes “When is the next RAG meeting Kim?” I smile and reflect thinking gosh it has truly offered our residents a voice that they did not previously have in regard to being able to provide feedback on what is going well, what isn’t going so well and where they would like to see change. Our residents have regular opportunities to personally provide this feedback to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and Board Meetings.


Some of the key outcomes:

  • Change in terminology from Dreams and Aspirations to Goals and Achievements

  • Change from the term Intellectual Disability to Learning Disability

  • Review of Hawksbury Vision Statement “My Life My Way” their decision was that it should be changed to “My Life, My Choice”

This year Sarah and I have taken the opportunity to step out of the meetings and to encourage a resident only section for residents to talk confidentially about things that are important for them to discuss between themselves. This has provided a forum to communicate their own contributions without it being facilitated by Sarah and I. Very empowering and inspiring when you can hear the chit/chat and laughter as they all compete to be heard and have their say.


Another celebration with the Resident Advisory Group was introducing the Resident Red Cross First Aid Course. The interest in this was fantastic with 13 Residents in Christchurch attending and eight in Dunedin. It was an absolute pleasure to be involved in the Dunedin one with Sarah and I supporting the residents and Sarah and Emma supporting them in Christchurch. I have always said, never underestimate the abilities of our residents and this was so apparent at the Red Cross Training. The level of involvement, and encouragement of each other was truly inspirational. Such a proud moment and being able to present the Certificate was one of many highlights this year.


We have been doing considerable mahi on ensuring that our residents are part of the interview process when recruiting staff and this has also been a focus at the RAG Meetings with role playing and an opportunity for our residents to set the questions that they would like to ask. Residents interviewing staff has now been implemented in most homes.


We are excited and looking forward to what 2025 brings for our Resident Advisory Group.  


Jamell Place, Avonhead, Christchurch (Previously Avonhead Rd)

Well Christmas 2023 came and went and unfortunately we had to delay the move to the new homes as we did not have Council Consent. This delay rolled into February 2024… but with sheer determination and a final push from our contractors we were able to set the move in date for 14 February 2024. The level of excitement and delight was so motivating. Emma, Annette (Home Manager) and the Team where exceptional and the move was coordinated to ensure minimum disruption for our residents. I again am in awe of how adaptable our residents are to change. There were no issues or challenges and I think it would be fair to say that the residents are more settled and content than previously. Friendships have been established with new residents and there is a sense of increased independence particularly in the 3 Jamell Place home.

We have had a few open days at Jamell Place that have been really well attended. The residents have been so proud to be able to show visitors around their lovely new homes. There is such a sense of ownership and belonging it is very heartening to see.

The Hawksbury team have taken the opportunity to review the homes built at 1 and 3 Jamell Place and any learnings and or improvements that we can take away from the new homes. We have also asked staff for their contribution to this and will also be asking residents if there is anything that they would like us to be aware of when looking at future developments.

Hawksbury can be very proud of the quality homes that the Hawksbury Property Trust own. We are acutely aware that not all homes that our residents reside in are of Hawksbury standard. This is identified in our Strategic Plan and is an area that we are constantly reviewing.

Currently Hawksbury are completing some due diligence and costings around our potential next development. As we know there are significant changes within the Disability Sector that could impact our funding so we need to be in a position to ensure that we are being responsible and that it is feasible for us to commit to our next project. Completing our due diligence will ensure we are in the best place to be making a fully informed decision. An update will be provided on this in due course.

Recruitment and Retention:

It has been a fast-paced year when it comes to recruitment. There has been a constant focus on recruiting and increasing staffing levels and we have made some significant progress. It would be fair to say that this year has seen Hawksbury in the best position with staffing being over 100% in both regions.

After considerable review we acknowledged that to be in the best position possible taking into account all types of leave we need to be sitting at 115 – 120 %. This would ensure that we were staffed sufficiently to cover the majority of all leave. We were well on the away to that and at one point were sitting at 110 – 115 % across both regions.

As we know, there are always highs and lows, and times when we might get a bit too comfortable. Currently, we have an opportunity to recognize this and make positive changes. Our Management Team has been very responsive and is diligently working on recruitment. I acknowledge the pressure that resignations and fluctuating staffing levels can have on the Residents, Staff, and the Organisation, and we are committed to addressing these challenges.

People and Culture Manager

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce and congratulate Lonaye Mckay on being recruited to the “People and Culture Manager” position with Hawksbury.

Lonaye is currently Manager of the Ranginui Homes and is very well respected and has had a very positive impact on the culture of the Ranginui Homes. We are thrilled that Lonaye has seen an opportunity to succession plan within Hawksbury.

Lonaye will continue to manage Ranginui homes in the meantime as she transitions to the role permanently over the next 6-8 months and we recruit to the Managers position at Ranginui.

Welcome Lonaye to the Executive Leadership Team.

Community Involvement:

Well, what can I say, WOW, WOW, WOW!!!! Incredibly proud.

Last year we had 23 residents and staff participate in the 5km Breast Cancer Walk at Hagley Park. On Sunday 20 October there were 52 residents and staff who all participated. As an organisation Hawksbury were one of the biggest teams represented. I can honestly say it was an emotional day seeing the effort that everyone had gone to, the participation and the exceptional support by staff.

PROUD seems insignificant to reflect how we all felt.

I do want to take the opportunity to acknowledge and thank Findex and Copeland Ashcroft for their sponsorship and contribution to the entry fee and t-shirts. We feel privileged to be partnering with both these companies in supporting such a wonderful cause. “THANK YOU “

DAA Audit:

June seen Hawksbury up for our three-year DAA Certification Audit. This was an ideal time for us to reflect on our last three years and the achievements that we have made. We were able to step back and ask ourselves what we have achieved, what sets us apart from other providers in the sector. Below you can see what we were able to reflect on with pride and present and also the Auditors Feedback:

  • Establishment of Resident Advisory Group.

  • Advocating for 1:1 Individual Daily Rates which in turn has seen a reduction of engagement with Explore Behavioural Support Services.

  • Recruitment and Retention Committee with focus on appropriate staffing levels.

  • Establishment of the Clinical Quality Lead Role.

  • Moving to new bigger offices that facilitate space for a Training Room and appropriate office space.

  • Identifying and engage with a Cultural Advisor.

  • Model of Support document.

  • A dynamic and effective Strategic Plan.

  • Strong and committed Governance.

  • Effective and efficient ELT and Management Team.

  • Committed to Quality Improvement

  • Increased Networking establishing vital connections

  • Increased Learning and Development opportunities and upskilling of staff



Feedback from the Auditors was very positive they appreciated the open communication and it was a pleasure being at Hawksbury.


Residents' Rights: Residents' rights are woven throughout the organisation, with people at the centre of decision-making. Residents' choices are evident, and all residents have provided feedback that they feel safe.

Records: The organisation complies with standards, with all information in one place and live information available.

Entry/Decline: The process is robust and inclusive, with transitions based around residents and their whānau, completed in a respectful way. Internal moves are also handled respectfully, valuing the residents. Support plans are well-organized, showing progression, and medication management is highly regarded. The menu planning process is excellent, with menus tailored to residents' wants and needs, and the use of pictures was appreciated.

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC): The team has done well in providing good information to the Board, and staff have a good knowledge of surveillance and waste management processes.

Treaty of Waitangi: The inclusion of Lee Tuki (Cultural Advisor) is progressing well, and there is encouragement for the Board to get involved in cultural training.

Quality Management: It was a pleasure meeting with Megan, who is effectively communicating information to the Board. There is a good culture of reporting, with trending data being reviewed. Complaints are managed well, and the Risk Register is well-maintained, with a liked heat map.

Human Resources (HR): The HR processes are fantastic, with a robust orientation and induction process. Staff are given the time they need to orientate, with extra time if required, and feedback indicates that the orientation and induction process is the best they have experienced. The 1-, 2-, and 3-month review process is well-received, and annual performance reviews are conducted effectively. Rosters meet the needs, with staffing at 110%, and the 1:1 process is incredible, with staff having a great understanding.


The outcome of the Hawksbury DAA Audit was very positive as noted above. There were seven partially attained Corrective Actions. These are all Organisational which are currently being addressed by the Team. If you would like further information on the Corrective Actions please email feedback@hawksbury.co.nz


Closing Comment:

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all our whānau who continue to put their trust and confidence in Hawksbury and our Teams to provide quality support to your family member. It is such a privilege, and we feel extremely fortunate to be in a position to be able to offer this.


If there is anything that you or your whānau would like us to know or that we can support you with, please feel free to contact us.


Contact Details are on our website: https://www.hawksbury.co.nz


Ngā mihi nui | Thank you very much

